Jumaat, 10 Disember 2010

Keajaiban Gamat Healin

Gamat Emas is rather a more interesting marine sea cucumber, which can rarely be seen in the open seabed. Although can be classified under holothurians, unlike most of the sea cucumber, this marine species is very rich in mucopolysaccharides and chondoritins and other soft tissues resembling soft cartilage, explaining for the facts that it melts when exposed to the sunlight. Our analysis also shows that it is rich in other natural nutrients such as protein, vitamins A and C, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, iron, manganese, calcium, magnesium and zinc.
Gamat Emas is widely known among the Malays in Malaysia as a wound healing. Villagers wonder of nature and reaping its benefits; obviously firm believers that gamat emas is the perfect remedy for cuts, sores and inflammation.
The research on 'air gamat' - the name for the water extract derived from the golden sea cucumber of Malaysia took a long time to materialize. Locals have used this marine substance for about 500 years. In fact, Malays swear by the usage of air gamat as a remedy for cuts, peptic ulcers, chest pain, sores and inflammation.
After 10 years of research in University of Malaya and the Japanese Universities, we have now discovered the active substance and the mechanisms of its actions. Beside it's proven efficiency in enhancing the body's resistance towards various diseases, from common flu to more problematic conditions, including diabetes, cancer, it is also known that it contains a cell growth factor which has the ability to accelerate the regeneration of biological cells, bone, collagen and rejuvenates skin. We have now refined the extract and come up with new generations of scientifically prepared products based on this purified polypeptide substance.

Apa itu Gamat?
Gamat Emas adalah sejenis gamat laut yang agak lebih menarik, di mana ia jarang dapat dilihat di dasar laut terbuka. Walaupun boleh di klasifikasikan di bawah ‘holothurians’, tidak seperti kebanyakan gamat yang lain, spesis laut ini sangat kaya dengan ‘mucopolysaccharides’ dan ‘chondoritins’ dan tisu-tisu lembut lain yang menyerupai rawan lembut, menjelaskan fakta yang ia akan menjadi cair apabila terdedah kepada cahaya matahari. Analisis kami juga menunjukkan yang ia kaya dengan nutrisi semulajadi yang lain. seperti protein, vitamin-vitamin A dan C, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, zat besi, mangan, kalsium, magnesium dan zink.
Gamat Emas dikenali secara meluas di kalangan orang Melayu di Malaysia sebagai penyembuh luka. Ketakjuban penduduk kampung terhadap alam semulajadi dan mengaut faedah darinya, nyata berpegang teguh kepada kepercayaan yang gamat emas adalah penawar yang sempurna untuk luka-luka, kudis, sakit-sakit, dan kudis dan keradangan.
HEALIN GAMAT adalah satu produk hasil dari penyelidikan intensif yang dijalankan secara usahasama oleh sekumpulan ahli farmasologi Malaysia dari Universiti Malaya dan Universities of Nihon and Kyoto,Jepun yang mendedahkan bahawa ekstrak Gamat mengandungi bahan aktif dengan mekanisme tindakan. Penyelidikan lanjutan yang dijalankan di Jepun telah menemui keberkesanannya dalam mempertingkatkan sistem imun badan terhadap berbagai jenis penyakit, mempercepatkan pembentukan semula sel-sel biologi, tulang, kolajen dan mempermudakan sel-sel kulit.

Soalan Lazim
Q.Has this gamat that you formulated received accreditation from relevant authorities?
A.Yes, so far this product has been given that Certificate Free Sales by the Ministry of Trade after being acknowledged by the Ministry of Domestic and Consumer Health. This certificate has enabled us to export products to Dubai, Indonesia, the Philippines and Switzerland.
Q.Can a diabetic take the sweetener Gamat's Juice?
A.Yes, orangeflavoured Gamat Juice is safe for a diabetic. The sweetening flavour added is a kind of sweetener called Sorbitol, recommended for diabetics. So far, diabetics who have developed gangrene from wounds on hands and legs have fully recovered after taking this juice.
Q.How effective is gamat in treating diseases.
A.Through our research and feedback from patients consuming gamat, it has shown that it prevents blood clothing and increases heart respiratory rate while reducing blood pressure, eases blood flow, prevents cholesterol, blockage in the blood vessels, heals coronary diseases, eases the function of kidneys, increases metabolism and reduce asthma.
Q.Can a diabetic take the sweetened Juice gamat?
A.Yes, orangeflavoured gamat Juice is safe for diabetics. The sweetening flavour added is a kind of sweetener called Sorbitol, recommended for diabetics. So far, diabetics who have developed gangrene from wounds on hands and legs have fully recovered after taking this juice.
Q.Why the need to use only Gamat products?
A.This is to ensure its cleanliness. We cannot deny the effectiveness of gamat produced scientifically. Gamat contains natural chemicals extracted through scientific prosess.
Q.Can people suffering from low blood pressure take Gamat Juice. If not, why?
A.Research shows that continuous consumption of gamat will enable a smooth blood flow and it relaxes the mind. These reactions helps reduce blood pressure. A low blood oressure individual who takes Gamat Juice will have a lower blood pressure level, thus experiencing nausea and headache.
Q.Before this, artificial gamat product has appeared in the market. How do we determine the originality of the product?
A.traders in Malaysia. I do have worries and doubts regarding the content of this artificial product when it comes to the health and safety of consumers. Some mix gamat with starch and name their product gamat gel. Research has shown brands that use 'haisam' extracts, sea cucumber eaten by Chinese that is bought from Australia. Our research has shown that these are not gamat and there are no polypeptide protein and collogen that can cure wounds, eliminate pain and smoothen blood flow. It took five years to purify the active mixture in gamat and to determine the right dose to take. I feel very disappointed as they do not go through any research to produce this product.
Q.Can children under the age of 1 be given Gamat Juice?
A.We don't add any medication or active chemical element except gamat extracts which is purified scientifically and rich in peptide complex and natural minerals like germanium, manganese, selenium and other elements needed for the health of the body and skin. It can be taken as a daily health drink for adults and children. The dosage is 1 tablespoon twice daily, about the same dose for adults. Research has shown that if Gamat Juice is taken 10 tablespoons at time it will not have any effect but will only make you go to the toilet more often (urinate).
Q.What is the difference between Gamat Juice and Gamat Jelly?
A.No difference, except that Gamat Juice comes in Orange flavour. Its concentration can last long even if not kept under refrigeration. It tastes good and it is easy to drink.
Q.What is the effect on a patient, who has consumed Gamat Juice, more than the prescribed dosage given?
A.There will be no side effect. Experiment shows that if a patient is to consume a whole bottle at one time. It will only cause him/ her to be hungry and also urine regularly.
Q.Can Gamat Juice heal piles?
A.Yes, there are several cases encountered of such diseases being healed by Gamat Juice / Jelly. It has anti-inflammation effects to reduce chronical disease. Besides this, it can also stimulate growth of damaged and weak cells which is the main criteria needed to heal piles. Through experience, 90% of patients with chronic piles disease has been cured completely after consuming Gamat Juice/ Jelly. However, the period of healing changes depending on individuals. Normally the effect can be seen after two weeks.


Apakah itu Gamat?

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Gambar: Stichopus Hermanii (Gamat Emas)
Gamat merupakan hewan yang hidup di dasar laut, biasa dikenal sebagai Teripang , Sea cucumber atau hoi som. Terdapat kurang lebih 1000 species gamat, namun yang dapat dijadikan bahan makanan tidak lebih dari 40 species saja. Satu diantara Gamat yang dapat kita konsumsi dan memiliki nilai pengobatan tradisonal yang istimewa adalah gamat species Stichopus hermanii (gamat Emas)
Gamat emas mengandung banyak zat gizi seperti protein, mineral, omega 3 dan Bio Active Element. Dalam sejarah tradisional China Gamat telah digunakan sejak lebih dari 1000 tahun yang lalu untuk membantu mengatasi keluhan seperti menyembuhkan luka, meredakan rasa sakit di persendian, memperlancar sirkulasi darah dan secara umum dikonsumsi sebagai hidangan spesial untuk menjaga kesehatan karena dinilai sebagai ginseng laut.
Demikian pula oleh masyarakat Malaysia di Pulau Langkawi, sejak ratusan tahun lalu telah menggunakan Gamat untuk pengobatan seperti radang sendi, astma, luka bakar, penyakit kulit dan sebagai minyak urut. Kini khasiat Gamat semakin luas dimana dapat membantu mengatasi masalah paru-paru, hipertensi, diabetes, dan juga bagi ibu bersalin yang mengalami pembedahan (caesar). Didukung dengan teknologi modern kini khasiat Gamat dapat anda peroleh dalam kemasan yang praktis dan hygienis dalam Jelly Gamat.


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The word Gamat, the Malay word for sea cucumber, refers to medicinal remedies derived from several species of the Holothuroidea family. The golden sea cucumber (Stichopus horrens) is commonly used. Gamat is usually the dried, powdered bodies of sea cucumbers made into a lotion or other topical salve. It is sometimes mixed into clay and applied as a facial mask, or put in tea and consumed for stomach complaints. Users believe that a solution of sea cucumbers can heal cuts, skin eruptions, and ulcers, and claim that it has a beneficial effect on the immune system.
Sea cucumbers in the waters of Malaysia have been over-harvested to supply consumers of the folk remedy, and as a result the animal and its products are becoming scarce. Efforts to restock the fishery have not generally been successful. Recently, a sea cucumber aquaculture operation was opened on the shores of several Malaysian islands to increase the gamat supply.